Albergue Inturjoven Jerez de la Frontera

you can reach this fantastic hostel at
Avda. Blas Infante n 30, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain




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The hostel is distributed in double rooms with en-suite bathroom and air conditioning. To make you feel as comfortable as possible.

It is very well located for access to the historical center of Jerez, with a city bus stop very close. If you drive, you can use the parking to the hostel very interesting prices.
We put at your disposal a general purpose room very popular with visitors, where you can meet other hostellers, make friends, relax ... Also you have a multipurpose hall and swimming pool.

Good service, excellent location and an incredible city waiting for you. See you at the lodge Inturjoven Jerez De La Frontera. In the Shelter Inturjoven Jerez De La Frontera, in addition, we offer a tenico. If you're a college student or young worker, you can stay with us

The Hostel Inturjoven Jerez de La Frontera is a seven-storey building, located in the urban area of the city. There are gardens at the entrance and inside, plus a great pool. This very well located for access to the historical center of Jerez, with a city bus stop very close. If you drive, you can use the parking to the hostel very interesting prices.

Please advice about arrival time.
Reception 24 hours.
Note: If you are HI no member you should get a member card at the hostel. It only costs you 5 but you will be able to use it in all HI Hostels. If you are older than 30s you must pay 12 to get this card.
Internet is not for FREE you must pay 1 hour

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