At Grammy Hostel you will find a travelers' desk with everything you need to get the most out of your trip: free internet access, Yerevan and Armenia tourist information, public transport timetables, info on excursions, travellers' services, background music, TV ... a relaxation room where you can chill out and escape from the Yerevan hustle and bustle of the city and a LITTLE GARDEN, aah! ... the little garden of the hostel, in the heart of Yerevan, where you can soak up the sun, and relax on a bench... could you ask for anything more?
Grammy Hostel is in a perfect location to enjoy the major sights of Yerevan. In its vicinity, there are many clubs, discos, cafe, bars and restaurants as well as commercial, cultural and historical centers. Staying in our hostel you won't need to spend your money on taxi, buses and the underground - you may be able to get to everything you need, you are already in the heart of the city!
Grammy Hostel is much more than a place to sleep in Yerevan and Yerevan is more than just a stopover! To assist you in your travelling we have created a wide range of amazing tours around Yerevan and Armenia. Our tours are designed and led in such a way that they offer something for everyone and are tailored to suit all levels of interest.
We are sure that your stay by us you give the best impress of your visit in Yerevan and Armenia and we can grant you to save lot of time during your stay. Come and stay at Grammy Hostel and we'll help you enjoy Yerevan the way it should be!
By travelers for travelers!
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14986 Hostels in Yerevan (Armenia)
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