The Hipstel

you can reach this sensational hostel at
Carrer de Valencia 266, Barcelona, Spain




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The place for Travellers with style.

Children NOT ALLOWED. Guests 16 to 18 years old only accepted with parents authorization.

In The Hipstel you will get the chance to see barcelona from a different point of view.
The city has a wide variety of activities and culture is our main concern.
A space dedicated for creative people that can take an active part in our events. Take a look at our cultural events and special agenda in our website!

The Hipstel is a place where hipsters and hosters come togheter in a very special atmosphere so let us show you the hiptel style: from our comfy beds to the backround music and our indoor activities.

The hostel offers to its guests a wide range of rooms equipped with a great atmosphere, free WI-Fi and internet station. From private rooms up to an 12-bed dorm, where you can meet and share your experiences with other travelers.

The hostel has multilingual receptionists who will help you to plan your day around the city and your night around the countless bars, pubs and clubs which make Barcelona Europe 's Top city!

In case you want to chill, come and enjoy our comfy lounge and TV room, which is loaded with tons of movies waiting to be watched.

The kitchen is fully equipped and ready for you to start cooking awesome Spanish dishes.

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14986 Hostels in Barcelona (Spain)

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