Rainbow Hostel

you can reach this amazing hostel at
Budapest 1091, Üllői Street 11, Budapest, Hungary




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Why should you choose the RAINBOW?

Rainbow has an excellent staff, You can learn from us where are the local pubs, clubs and restaurants are- which are not yet in the guidebooks, this way you can save a lot of money.
Our hostel is located in the heart of the city within steps on the M3/BLUE line subway (KALVIN TER) , on one of the major tram (No.47 and 49) lines. Many major Budapest landmarks are in walking distance.
The hostel is situated in the downtown of Budapest where you can find the best pubs, the trendy ruin pubs, restaurants and clubs and it is in easy walking distance from the important sites and the open air party places.
Our hostel is near to the Ráday street where you can find many historic restaurants.

There are some other services we can offer you:
* Free Internet access
*Free Wifi
* Breakfast, coffee, and the large variety of tea for 3 Euro.
* A basic kitchen which you are free to use.
* Laundry service, lockers and clean bed sheets and linens.
* WC\'s and hot water showers that are cleaned throughout the day.
* Easy access to all train stations and the Airport.
* 24-hr check in
* Solarium, barber shop, manicure and pedicure
* Air conditioned

Payment can be made by cash only (EURO or HUF) and must be made at time of check in

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14986 Hostels in Budapest (Hungary)

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