Ravin Hostel

you can reach this awesome hostel at
Wesselényi utca 41. District-VII. (Ground Floor,, Budapest, Hungary




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Located in Budapest city center Wesselenyi utca 41,District-VII.(On Ground Floor), which means you won't need to spend a lot on local traveling, this makes the Budget Travel.If you are looking for fun,excitement and a culture, Budapest has it all.

The best thing in travel is to see more city attractions while paying for less. Our friendly staff is dedicated to serve you to make your stay more fun and even more comfortable. We totally understand how it is to travel from home to see the world. Our staff can help you make your travel plans to see the desired city attractions i.e.

Top Budapest Tourist attractions, Local Museums, Historical Buildings, Natural Thermal Bath, Budget shopping, tasting Hungarian food and wines, Budapest Pub and Disco, Restaurants, and anything you can think of.

Please note:
Check-in time1 (pm) till Mid night.
Check out time. 11am

Only cash upon arrival
Cancellation Policy 1 days before arrival

Breakfast is not included
Tax are included

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