LxCorner Hostel

you can reach this awesome hostel at
Avenida da Liberdade, 85, Lisbon, Portugal




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Designed by travelers for travelers Lx Corner Hostel is bringing you a cozy and fun atmosphere in a fully equipped flat with all the facilities you need for your stay

Located in the very center of Lisbon, in the corner of Avenida da Liberdade and Praca da Alegria, you can in 2 minutes, walk to the downtown or to the business center of the city.
Our hostel, lays in a 150 years old building, with the charm and detailed on perfection as required by the Portuguese tradition.

If you want to visit Sintra, the Train station Rossio is 5 minutes away, Doing a little longer walk you can reach Cais do Sodre and have a nice day at the beach.

LxCorner Hostel, was designed to make your stay in Lisbon comfortable, in a fun and young atmosphere surrounded by known bars, restaurants, kiosks, etc. Weekly parties, free walking tours, pub crawls, group dinners will provide you all the fun and happiness during your stay.

Please note that this property may be not suitable for children.

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