Lukot INN

you can reach this amazing hostel at
No.21, Lane 56, Lin-hai 2nd. Rd., Kaohsiung, Taiwan




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Lukot Inn is located at Siziwan area, Kaohsiung where is near Gushan ferry pier to Cijin (4-min walk) and NSYSU (2-min walk).

There are different room types available to meet the guests' needs: 6-bed dorm, 4-bed dorm, single room, twin room to triple room. The free WiFi is provided and there is a kitchen and laundry machine are available for the travelers.

All the rooms are no smoking rooms and there are shared bathrooms for all the dorm and private rooms. Please prepare your own toiletries, such as toothbrush, toothpaste and towels. Please also inform your arrival time in advance to the hostel after booking the room so that the hostel can arrange the staff accordingly.

Lukot Inn will be an ideal choice of economic and clean accommodation for the trip in Kaohsiung.

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