Almaty Backpackers

you can reach this awesome hostel at
Str. Markova 46 Acrossing Timiryazeva, Almaty, Kazakhstan




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The biggest hostel in Central Asia Almaty Backpackers provides clean and comfortable accommodation at the most low prices within Almaty. Each room has private shower and WC, which makes your stay much comfy and cosy. The hostel is located in a perfect location if you are planning on sightseeing and exploring the city. We are within walking distance from the Almaty's cultural and historical remarkable sights, which are just 10-15 minutes away.

Guests can choose between single, double private and dorms with 3 bed female and 4-5-6 bed mixed rooms. We can accommodate up to 25 people. Also we have a branch in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, if you visit it you will get a discount 10 % from Bishkek's price. The guest kitchen has an oven, microwave and fridge. Tea and coffee are free at all times.

Please note that check-in from 2pm and check out is till 12.00am and if you give us notice we can check in 24 hours. Our apartments have a no-smoking policy. Pets are not allowed. Payment in cash is preferred. We like all our guests to get a good night's rest, and therefore ask that noise is kept to a minimum after 11pm and before 8am

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