Fortune Jongno Hostel

you can reach this divine hostel at
38, Samil-daero, 32ga-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea




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Fortune Downtown Hostel is located in Jongno, which is heart of the Seoul.
Jongno is historical place that you could meet the traditional Korean culture. And around our hostel, there is many attractions. You can easily go below places within 15 minutes by using public transport.

Check in time :- 14:00
Check out time :- 11:00

Here, it is flexible for early check-in and late check-out(depends on the length of stay) with prior notices. All room(s) are non-smoking area, but we did provides a smoking area for our guests.

-Reasons to choose “Fortune Downtown”hostel.
Sometimes all you really need from a hostel is a hot shower and a good night’s rest, That’s why our serviced hostel offer a many things. So you just don’t need and shouldn’t have to pay for it

Towels and toiletries, computer color print, breakfast set, laundry and dryer including detergent and ironing facility, all of which are provided free of charge. High quality beds with power showers are available.

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