Abraham's Tent

you can reach this sensational hostel at
54 Misgav Ladach, Jerusalem, Israel




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Abraham's Tent was founded by travelers for travelers to enable visitors to Israel to maximize their trip and have a safe, fun and comfortable experience. Our motto is 'At Abraham's Tent you don't just visit Israel you experience it.' We provide clean, air conditioned accommodations and amenities travelers may need including: Free Wifi, Free Breakfast, Complimentary computer for guests, Laundry facilities, onsite shop for groceries etc, network center, travelers information, indoor and outdoor lounge with refreshments.

At Abraham’s Tent, Israel becomes more than just a tourist destination. Travelers have the chance to experience Israel as a local. You can reserve a stay with us or join for awesome events. We host events such as concerts, parties, barbecues, and workshops. We also organize tours to noted and memorable locations around israel such as the Dead Sea and the Judean hills. We provide our guests with a spiritually uplifting Shabbat experience including meditations, collective meals, and a musical conclusion.

We are located in the heart of the Old city, one minute walk from the Western Wall, Tourist attractions, shops and restaurants. Our homey location boasts an amazing rooftop terrace with panoramic views of Jerusalem.

Our friendly staff aim to emulate Abraham and provide an enjoyable and memorable experience for all.

We offer discounts for Birthright and Masa participants.

Abrahams Tent is dedicated in loving memory of Kazi Benjamin. At Abraham's Tent we aim to emulate Kazi's example of loving kindness and acceptance.

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14986 Hostels in Jerusalem (Israel)

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