Kyrgyz Host

you can reach this excellent hostel at
Tynystanova 244, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan




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Feel Like HOME
Kyrgyz Host is the hostel with nice views, small fruit garden, lots of space for parking and real HOME atmosphere. It is only 3 minutes to the main street and 10 minutes ride to the centre by frequent buses.

We have double and single beds, even sleeping on mats in a Kyrgyz style room. You choose what you like and we provide it. There are 7 rooms altogether in the house, among which there is a vast kitchen, funky common room, welcoming reception and four rooms for travelers. Each room has a specific style: Kyrgyz, Soviet, International, and Lounge. “Kyrgyz Host” provides you with free breakfasts, hot showers, Internet, clean linen and parking. From time to time we are keen on organizing youth cultural events.

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14986 Hostels in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)

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