GingerKafe Art Studio Hostel

you can reach this fantastic hostel at
Section 2, Zh?ngsh?n North Road, Taipei, Taiwan




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There are many convenience stores, bookstores, coffee shops, cafes, restaurants, Taiwanese snack carts/tapas street food, local Taiwanese boutiques and shops around. GingerKafe Art Studio Property is about 10 minutes away from Taipei Main Station and about 50 minutes away from Taoyuan International Airport.

We have two rooms for rental.
One has an independent living room and a bedroom, which is equipped with two double-beds and can accommodate about 4 people. Another is a double-bed room that can accommodate 2 people with another shared living room, bathroom and kitchen. We offer free wireless internet. Washing machines are also available for those who need to have a set of clean clothes.

We work in the arts. Therefore, the house have multiple related works, travel souvenirs and antique furniture.

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