Rumah Kayu Bali

you can reach this sensational hostel at
Kuta Square Blok A/20, Kuta, Indonesia




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Smart fit and cozy. There is plenty left for you to decide but one thing is certain: In one of our rooms you will feel real comfort.

3 rooms, 29 beds with features which aren’t just in step with your needs, but rather a few steps ahead. A lobby where you can relax, meet, and access the Internet with our rate charge. But that’s not all! With just a 10-minute walk away, you can also find other common attractions close by such as Kuta beach, Kuta art market, bars and restaurants.

From the well known Matahari Department Store to the popular “pubs”. From boutiques to street shop. From ice cream to bubble tea or tea and even coffee – everyone will find something to make them smile in Kuta, and you are no exception!

Enjoy your stay at Rumah Kayu Bali!

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