Startup Getaway

you can reach this sensational hostel at
Jalan Pratu Made Rambug, Ubud, Indonesia




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We want you to be able to focus on your projects and enjoy life on Bali, which is why we will make sure everything is taken care of by our amazing staff.

The price you find here includes:
- Daily breakfast, lunch & dinner
- Snacks served twice a day (fruits, yoghurts, cakes, etc.)
- Unlimited coffee/tea
- Daily cleaning of your room
- Laundry service (twice a week)
- Internet (WIFI)
- Many different working spaces
- Office equipment (printer, scanner, fax, monitors, projector)
- Movie nights (popcorn, drinks)
- Game room (x-box, board games)
- CrossFit sessions (twice a week)

PLUS - the ability to pick the brains of other entrepreneurs!

You will be part of the small community working and living here and will have access to all our villas where you can find the swimming pools, gardens, gazebo's etc. We have also just opened a new cafe villa where we serve all our meals in a beautiful garden with mango trees and a small water stream.

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