Zhongdee Hostel

you can reach this fantastic hostel at
131/7 Pun Rd., Bangkok, Thailand




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Zhongdee hostel is located at the heart area of Bangkok where you can access many kind of transportation. We recommend you to use BTS system to transport you to your destination or nearest place that you can walk, or take taxi/bus to reach your destination because Bangkok has a lot of traffic. In addition to, Zhongdee hostel is located in Silom area where famous among tourist about food, nightlife, entertainment and the glory Indian temple just our next door.

Zhongdee hostel was created by group of people who love travel in-style. We accommodate you in budget price with comfortable lodge base on our experiences. The hostel located in central area of Bangkok while close to Indian temple (attractive landmark) and just 5 mins walk from BTS station.

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