GG House

you can reach this sensational hostel at
No38, Guo Fu Fifth Street, Hualien, Taiwan



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GG House just like your another home in Hualien. Enjoy to be a local people when you stay here.

GG House is located in the Hualien city. We near reas side of Hualian Train Station around ten minutes by walking.

We have three type of room: four beds mixed dorm (bunk-bed), family room (two double beds) and group room(2 single beds & 2 double beds). All the room type with share bathroom. The bathroom offers shower gel, shampoo and hair dryer, the rest of the personal hygiene products (toothpaste, toothbrushes, towels, etc.), please bring your own.

Common areas provide hot and cold water dispenser, 42 'TV and an open kitchen. Guest can use all the appliances like microwave, stove, refrigerator and utensils, etc. in the kitchen. But please keep it clean and wash all your dish after you cook.

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