Adamson Inn

you can reach this sensational hostel at
No. 3 Jalan Pinang, Singapore, Singapore



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Adamson Inn is conveniently located in the city area. With all this shopping malls available, you don't have to travel too far away to get your shoppings done.

Causeway Bus terminal is 300 metres away from our Inn, easy for travelers going or coming from Malaysia. Public buses stops just behind the Inn and the subway/train station is walking distance from the hostel.

There are 4 pubs just across the street that operates till late night, 24/7 restaurants serving local cuisines just around the vicinity.

Wi-Fi usage is available at absolutely no extra cost to you in all 3 levels of our Inn, air-conditionals are available in the Main lobby, common living area as well as inside the room with no restrictions of usage at all, of course there will be no charges to usage of aircons at all.

24/7 security cameras in non-sensitve places in the hostel to ensure the safety of our guests, we will do our best to keep intruders out of our Inn and so we hope that you can work in cooperation with our staff by not allowing strangers into your dormitories/rooms. Each and every of our guest will be issued a security access card to access your room and the lobby.

Lockers are provided in your own dormitories/rooms for your usage at no extra charges at all, we hope you will take good care of your own belongings as we will not be responsible for any lost or damage cause during your stay.

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