David Hasselhostel

you can reach this sensational hostel at
O utca 37, Budapest, Hungary



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Some people travel to see the sights. Some just want to get away. Others do it to escape the scrutiny of home so they can make memories they would otherwise be ashamed of. But ask any backpacker what they remember the most from their travels and the answer will always be the same: the amazing people they met. And it's for this very reason that we opened a hostel in Budapest.

The most common remark we get about our hostel is that it feels like a home away from home, with a family you never knew you had – which is no surprise to us! All the staff living and working here chose this life because we love meeting people, we love having a good time, and most of all we love this hostel and its amazing city! The architecture, the history, the never-ending festivals, the random sing-alongs with strangers in a bar... there’s never a dull moment here!

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