Nomad's GH Hostel

you can reach this divine hostel at
38/61 Tulebayev Street, Almaty, Kazakhstan



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Nomad's GH Hostel is located on 38/61 Tulebayev Street.

Especially for the convenience of guests «Nomad Guest House», located near the city's main arteries:
Furmonova Street, which will take you to the Central Museum, where the exhibition will talk about the colorful history and culture of multinational Kazak.For fans of the morning and evening runs historic park '28 Panfilov Heroes' with pines and in whose territory is one of the oldest Orthodox churches of the city located 500 meters from the hostel.

Nomad's GH Hostel can offer you 8-6-4-2-bedded rooms. Every room has its own bathroom. This is the sample list of the things in our room: hangers, lockers, dining table, chairs, bathroom, toilet.

-Wi-Fi is available in all areas and is free of charge.
-Shared lounge & TV area.
-24-hour Reception
-Free Private Parking
-Air Conditioning in each room
-Bathrooms in each room
-Hairdryer (on request)
-Iron (on request)
-Reading Lamp (on request)
-Map of the City (on request)
-Shuttle Service
-Guide Service (our guides will provide sighting around the city for additional fee and request

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14986 Hostels in Almaty (Kazakhstan)

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