Taiwan KH1551 Riverview Hostel

you can reach this super hostel at
No.15, Shizhong 1st Rd, Kaohsiung, Taiwan



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If what you're looking for is a conveniently located hostel in Kaohsiung, look no further than Kh1551 Kaohsiung Youth Hostel. Opened in the oldest historical area in Kaohsiung, Kh1551 is near the harbor. Within 5-minute walk to Metro, it is very close to love river as well as the Kaohsiung Bike Path. Due to its great location, Kh1551 provides guests with easy access to the must-see destinations that the lively city has to offer.

Take advantage of a wealth of unrivaled services and amenities at this Kaohsiung hostel. Guests of the hotel can enjoy on-site features like air conditioning and luggage storage. Appointed the high standard of cozy and comfort, all the decorated guest-rooms are equipped with cable TV and bathroom.

We also have Wi-fi, refrigerator , drinkable water Tradition Taiwan food stands next to our home. Convenient store is 2minutes walk close . The Bed & Breakfast is located near the biggest shopping mall in Taiwan Kaohsiung. Perfect location for travelers! In taiwan, we have a convenient public transportation, KMRT (Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit System) which you can use to travel around. A one-way ticket costs NT$20 to NT$60 depending on travel distance.

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