Parachute Long Stay

you can reach this sensational hostel at
3F, No 36, Lane 26, Taishun Street, Taipei, Taiwan



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Are you coming to Taipei to learn the Chinese language? Are you looking for long-term accommodation in the area of MTC, NTNU, NTU?

Stay with Parachute Long Stay when you land in Taipei and plan to stay for a while.

The property is situated within the very popular Shida Night Market and about 5 minutes on foot to NTNU and MTC. If you are going to NTU, we are only one MRT station away or 15 minutes on foot.

- Check-in hours from 2PM to 10PM; check out before 12PM
- if you need to arrive outside of our check-in hours, please make sure you contact us via email before arrival
- Full payment in cash is required upon check-in

What you can find at Parachute Long Stay:
- affordable monthly accommodation (3 rooms, 1 living area, 1 kitchen, 2 bathrooms)
- we want to help you get ready for your extended stay in Taipei and will provide assistance in purchasing of local sim-cards, MRT Easycard and other daily necessities
- helpful English-speaking staff
- free cable television and wifi
- air-conditioned rooms
- well-equipped kitchen that will allow home-cooked meals
- free lockers
- free washing machine and ample space to air-dry

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