Overhead Hostel

you can reach this superb hostel at
No.68, Guosheng 2nd St, Hualien, Taiwan



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Overhead Hostel is located on Guosheng 2nd St, just an 8 minute walk from the Hualien train station. Overhead hostel is run by local surfers who have a lot of experience guiding visitors to the best spots Hualien has to offer. We just newly opened Sept 2014, and have spent a lot of time decorating and renovating the building.

Overhead hostel has a comfortable lounge area with lots of comfortable lounge chairs, beer fridge, bar, surfboards for sale/ and rent, free wifi, free purified drinking water, skateboards / longboards to use, music, and widescreen television.

The full capacity is 24 beds, 5 rooms with the following layout. 2nd floor has an 8 person mixed dorm with newly renovated shared bathroom/ shower, the shared kitchen is also on this floor, 3rd floor is 2 mixed 4 person dorm rooms with 1 shared bathroom/shower, 4th floor is 2 female only 4 person dorm rooms with 1 shared bathroom/ shower. 5th floor has an outdoor terrace perfect for suntanning, reading, and lounging.

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