Around The World Bed & Breakfast

you can reach this superb hostel at
2043 Phattanakan Rd., Bangkok, Thailand



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Around The World Bed & Breakfast is situated 12Km near Suvarnhabhumi Airport with a 5Km drive near the city center. Our property address also near in Huamak Aiport Rail Link which connects the city center and the bustling Suvarnhabhumi Airport. You can find different Shopping complex in our vicinity area. The Phattanakan road is also complete with night life and food kiosk.

Around the World (ATW) is a newly opened and unique bed & breakfast located in bustling Bangkok. From our own travels around the world, we’ve met and made many friends from various places. Our travels made us realize there is so much to learn about the different regions and cultures around the world. What better way to share such experiences and stories than to have our own bed and breakfast welcoming everyone to this cultural melting pot here in Bangkok. And what better way to celebrate the wonderful diversity of the world around us than to bring together rooms of multi-city themes all under one roof?

Tapping on the experiences gained from staying at numerous type of lodgings in different countries, we have made every room a tribute to the beautiful cities around the world. From Chinese to Indian, Thai to Moroccan, we are certain you will find a room to suit your preference.

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