Nomad House Itaewon

you can reach this superb hostel at
79 Noksapyeong-daero 46-gil, Seoul, South Korea



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Located in the central Seoul area, Nomad House Itaewon a relaxing and cozy place and you will get an easy and comfortable atmosphere to make friends. Due to its great location, it is easily accessible to many tourist spots within less than 20 minutes by public transport. Also Itaewon is an ideal place for travelers because it has many tour information centers and many bars, restaurants and shops are run by expats and they provide English service in most places here. Also you can have very close look of N Seoul tower which is one of most touristic attraction in Seoul.

Nomad House Itaewon is a clean, nice and cozy place with a friendly atmosphere and a shelter for many travelers who stops by. Wi-Fi access is all around the property so you will find it very convenient to stay here. Also you can squeeze in the comfortable couch and watch any films you want to watch. We welcome you all and wish you have a good stay here.

There is a mixed dorm for 6 people, 2 mixed dorms for 4 people, 2 toilets and 2 shower rooms, a kitchen, a common room and a terrace and 2 luggage places. All rooms are with bunk beds.

It also provides
- Korea home style meal
- Cleaning service
- A laundry service with a small charge

If you bring your bicycle, we have a place to store.

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14986 Hostels in Seoul (South Korea)

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