AK Hostel

you can reach this divine hostel at
993-995 Ploenchit Road, Bangkok, Thailand



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Stay at AK Hostel, you can enjoy the convenience of the best shopping location and great services offered by a Travel Agency! This is truly an ideal hub for shopping lovers. Erawan Shrine, Central World, Siam Paragon, Watergate Market & Big C are all in 3-10 minute walking distance.

AK Hostel offers 9 dorm rooms and 1 double room (shared bathroom), so as the facilities include free Internet kiosks, common TV rooms, and laundry rooms. We also invited Taiwanese artists to design all our four bed dorm rooms bringing fun Thai cultures into the rooms, such as Thai boxing, Floating market, ancient Ayutthaya culture and etc.

Please kindly note:
- AK Hostel is a 5 story building with NO elevator, you may need to carry your own luggage up to your room.
- We encourage you to bring your own lock for safe storage. Our locker is 56cm*36cm big.
- Private double room (Bunk Bed) is shared bathroom. The bathroom is located at the 5th Floor, about 11.5 square meters large, with No window.

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