Washington International Student Center

you can reach this sensational hostel at
2451 18th Street NW, Washington DC, USA




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Small friendly hostel located in Washington DC. Located in the popular, safe neighborhood of Adams Morgan we are surrounded by ethnic restaurants and nightclubs.

Easy to get to the White House and other major sites by Metro, bus or walking. The hostel has a kitchen so you can cook. There is internet access, cable tv in the common room, lockers, no curfew, you have your own key to come & go. We provide a free breakfast of juice, milk, bread, jam & tea. The hostel does have air conditioning. If you want to check us out through a independent reference you can find the hostel listed in the two well know Travel Guide Books ' Lonely Planet ' and ' Lets Go USA'
Happy Travels and Adventures.
Please note that the hostel does not allow children.

Reception open from 8 am to 11 pm

**Please note we operate a 48 hour cancellation policy

Located in safe area
FREE pick-up from Greyhound and Amtrak
Close to the White House, FBI, Smithsonian & US Capitol
Convenient to bus & Metro
Close to bars & clubs
Kitchen Facilities
No curfew - 24 hour access
Cable TV & Lockers
Check-in 8:00 AM to 11 PM
Free Parking for first night
(Customer will receive parking pass, security deposit of $100 is required for this and will be returned on departure)

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