Greenpoint YMCA

you can reach this superb hostel at
99 Meserole Avenue, New York City, USA




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This YMCA is located in a residential area in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, New York's largest borough, with a diverse population. It is approximately 15-20 minutes from midtown Manhattan's main tourist attractions and only a short bus or metro ride away from the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, the Brooklyn Academy of Music as well as downtown shopping malls. Please call the front desk directly if you wish to make same day reservations; (718) 389-3700).

The Greenpoint YMCA Residence and Guest Rooms offers 100 extraordinary, inexpensive rooms. Located on the riverfront of Brooklyn, it has a spectacular view of New York City. The deluxe rooms all have 19' TV, radio with alarm clock and personalized voice mail access and the YMCA also has 24 hours security and offers houskeeping service.

Guests may also use the indoor swimming pool with male and female saunas and a state-of-the-art Fitness Center.

The Greenpoint YMCA is accessible by local buses, and the G and L subway lines.

The YMCA is a non profit tax exempt organization.

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