404 Hostel

you can reach this amazing hostel at
Neusser Strasse 404, Cologne, Germany




Check in date

Welcome at the smallest Hostel in cologne, run by the well traveled owner

Before you think about booking please read these informations.

Check-in/ reception hours
10:00-13:00 and 17:00-22:00
It's not possible to enter the house outside reception hours.
People who have checked in get keys for 24 hour access. (10 Euro deposit) CREDIT CARDS ARE NOT ACCEPTED, CASH ONLY

The kitchen has all facilities you need to cook a proper meal, including a lot of herbs and spices to pimp the travelers beloved spaghetti bolognese.
In the living room you find a computer, board games, guitars, book exchange.

free basic breakfast (toast, jam, honey, nutcream, muesli) coffee/tea 24h
free linen and sheets
readymade beds
free towels on request (small)
free internet and WiFi (WIFI off from 1AM-7AM)

Motorcyclists can park their motorbike off street on the terrace of the hostel. Max 2 bikes.
For cars: On the street there is free parking and more free parking at nearby parking areas.

The minimum age is 18.
A valid passport or ID card has to be shown.
A drivers licence or student card is not an ID card.
See you soon and make yourself at home.

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14986 Hostels in Cologne (Germany)

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