Ekkamon Mansion

you can reach this sensational hostel at
47 Phang Nga Soi 2, Phuket City, Thailand




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Ekkamon Mansion offers air conditioning and a Fan room (no airconditioning), cable TV, refrigerator, Kingsize Bed, Closet, Electric Shower in the bathroom, Balcony. Wireless internet is free in room for daily rental. Parking is available free on the ground floor. Laundry service you can walk to the other shop near by in the same soi... wash and dry are available..

Located in Soi Phang Nga 2, on Phang Nga Road. Notice the Pink Lady (night entertainment) at the edge of the Soi 2. Close to Phuket Trickeyes Museum ( Newly opened) Close to Phuket Bus terminal which can take you to Khaolak, TakuaPa, Phang Nga and Bangkok. just 5 minutes walk. You can take an Airport Bus from Airport to Phuket town (85 Baht/person) and walk to Ekkamon Mansion. Close to Robinson and Ocean Shopping Mall, Phuket Expo, Phuket Square, and Rassada Pier (10 minutes drive) to Phi Phi Island, Railay, Aonang. Guests can buy boat ticket to Phi Phi Island (600 bht per person per way), A Round trip boat ticket from Phuket-Phi Phi is 1,000 bht per person

You can buy boat ticket from us at 600 bht per person per trip or a round trip at 1000 bht per person. Boat to Lanta at 850 bht per person per way, Boat to Aonang at Baht 650.- net/person/way, Boat to Railay at 650.- net/person/way. Boat depart 08:30 and 13:30 hrs. pick up from Ekkamon Mansion at 08:00 and 13:00 hrs.

For morning boat pls. make booking one day in advance and before 19:00 hrs. otherwise pls. reserve for afternoon one.

Please note that we accept cash only.

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