Ostello Corniglia

you can reach this excellent hostel at
Via Alla Stazione 3, Cinque Terre, Italy




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Ostello Corniglia is in the center of Corniglia, the third of 5 Terre villages.It's the cross of the walking paths of 5 Terre National Park.

Hostel has two rooms (8 beds inside),one for men, one for women and double and triple rooms with private bathroom inside.
We have cold and hot drinks made as at bar.
A very quiet place where you can relax yourself after a nice walk or a day spent at the sea.

Please advice about arrival time.
In hostel we can't accept mixed dorms (just for groups)

Check-in time: from 3pm to 10pm
Check-out time: 10am

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14986 Hostels in Cinque Terre (Italy)

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