Chada House

you can reach this super hostel at
2 Soi 3 Ratchamanka Rd., Chiang mai, Thailand




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Welcome to Chada House. Located in the heart of Chiang Mai city. Chada's House is the destination for travelers and backpackers alike. Guests enjoy a short walking distance, only 7 minutes, to Thapae Gate, passing by all the necessary travel resources: ATM, mini marts, plenty of bars, restaurants and just a 5 minute walk from the Saturday and Sunday Open Market. Nearby places: Shopping Malls, hospitals, train station, fresh markets, book stores and night bazaar. The International airport and bus terminal are all within 15 minute TukTuk or Song Thaews (local taxis) ride.

Chada House boasts an attentive and friendly staff ensuring a safe, quiet, and comfortable experience. The information desk will be your one-stop-shop for arranging treks, transportation, motorbike and bicycle rental, and for advice on all of Thailands to-dos.

*Three types of Private rooms (all with private bathroom & hot Shower):
(a) AC & TV
(b) Fan & TV
(c) Fan (Basic Room)

-coed and women-only dorm
-individual security locker
-shared bathrooms/hot showers (very clean!)
-ideal budget accommodation for backpackers

*Free Wi-Fi internet and cable TV
*Business office with computer & Internet access
*Nearby restaurants offering breakfast, lunch and dinner
*Outdoor seating area
*24 hour security camera

Office Hour
0700 AM-0500 PM

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14986 Hostels in Chiang mai (Thailand)

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