Coimbra Youth Hostel

you can reach this awesome hostel at
Rua Doutor Henriques Seco, 14, Coimbra, Portugal




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You don't have to be a graduate to visit Coimbra and get to know the students' city, as it is called.

Have a walk around the city and take in the atmosphere of academic traditions, noticing the many student residences (repblicas), the torn academic gowns and the ancient university. Who knows, maybe one day you'll end up studying here! If you enjoy canoeing, then don't miss this opportunity to paddle in the Mondego waters.

But if you are into more alternative sports, then Serra da Lous is the place to practise everything related to mountaineering and adventure. Oh, and don't forget: there are academic parties all year round, with few interruptions.

Opening times (daily/weekly): 08.00 24.00
Opening times (over the year): 01 January -23 December 26 December -31 December
Cancellation policy: 48hrs

A Hostelling International Member card is required (2 per night to a maximum of 6 nights)

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