Azerbaijan - World Fact - Hostel in Europe


Azerbaijan With the coastline on the Caspian Sea and border south of Iran, surrounded by other small countries lies Azerbaijan - This country has a lot of ancient sights to offer, from the Bronze Age to mosques. Around the harbour Baku bay you will find the amazing capital city Baku, a great metropolis, and at the same time one of the oldest spots not only in the country but also in the middle east. Going to the Apsheron Peninsula you will find remains of ancient oil fields or medieval castels, so eventhough it is not a country we hear much about, there is definitely things to see. Hostel in Europe Network

Area: 86.528 Km2
Population: 7.771.000 (2001 est.)
Density: 90 pop/Km2

System of government: Presidential Republic
Capital: Baku (2.070.000 pop.)
Major cities: Ganja 295.000 pop., Sumgayit 279.000 pop.
Ethnic majority: Azeri 90%, Dagestani 3.2%, Russian 2.5%, Armenian 2%
Border countries: Russia NORTH, Georgia NORTH-WEST, Iran SOUTH, Armenia WEST

Principal mountains: Bazard�z� Dag 4466 m
Principal rivers: Kura 1520 Km (total, with georgian and turkish tracts), Araks 1070 Km (total, with iranian, armenian and turkish tracts)
Principal lakes: Caspian Sea 371.000 Km2 (total, with russian, iranian, turkmen and kazakhstani parts), Mingechaurskoye 400 Km2
Principal islands: Ciloy
Climate: Continental

Language: Azeri (official), Russian, Armenian
Religion: Muslim 93.5%, Russian Orthodox 2.5%, Armenian Orthodox 2.5%, other 1.5%
Currency: Azerbaijani Manat (AZM)

Fixed public holidays: 1/1, 20/1, 8/3, 22/3, 1/5, 9/5, 28/5, 15/6, 9/10, 18/10, 17/12, 31/12
Dialling code: 00994
GMT: +4

World Heritage List:

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