Maldives - World Fact - Hostel in Europe
Maldives In the Indian Ocean you will find the most amazing island nation, that lives for the tourists, so you will be more than welcome. Looking for a tropical island with palm trees, white beaches, lagoons and fabulous coral reefs to explore. Experience what is thought to be ruins of a Buddhist temples, or visit a beatiul mosque. Looking for some historical sights, you can visit the nationa Museum that contains things owned by local sultans, and founds like brocades, wraponds and pre-islamic stone carvings.
Area: 297 Km2
Population: 311.000 (2001 est.)
Density: 1047 pop/Km2
System of government: Presidential Republic
Capital: Male (63.000 pop.)
Major cities: -
Ethnic majority: Sinhalese, Arab
Border countries: -
Major height : 2,4 m
Principal rivers: -
Principal lakes: -
Principal islands: ca. 2000 small islands..
Climate: Tropical
Language: Dhivehi (dialect of Sinhala)
Religion: Sunni Muslim
Currency: Rufiyaa (MVR)
Fixed public holidays: 1/1, 26/7, 27/7, 3/11, 11/11, 12/11
Dialling code: 00960
GMT: +5
World Heritage List: -